Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Homeland freebies

Be sure to pick up FREE Borden's cheese and almost-free Keebler cookies at Homeland this week. Note that links to the coupons are included when possible; move your computer mouse over the word "coupon" when you see it.
  • Borden's cheese slices on sale for $1.99 - use the $1 coupon here, doubled.
  • You can also buy 1 package of Borden's Natural slices or shreds, on sale 2 for $4 (get only one package if you want it free), using the $1 coupon that is doubled for 100% savings.
  • Keebler cookies - 5 packages for $8. Apparently you must buy 5 to get the $8 price with the Homeland One card. If you buy fewer than five packages, the sale price is 5 for $13. Here's the link to the $1 coupon that is doubled for $2 off. Even at five for $6 ($8 - $2) we passed on the deal. 
If you have Red Plum and All You coupons, add these two products for free:
  • Quaker oatmeal, buy only one (because of Homeland's coupon policy) on sale 2 for $3, use the $1 Red Plum coupon from Jan 2, doubled (you can also splurge and buy two and use the $1 off two coupon here)
  • Success rice, on sale for $1.89, use the $1 coupon from the December issue of All You magazine, doubled, making that purchase FREE.
Remember Homeland's coupon policy - only one like coupon per transaction so you can only use one Borden's cheese coupon per transaction, one Quaker oatmeal coupon per transaction, etc.

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