Thursday, July 28, 2011

7-28 Homeland: 61% extreme savings

7-28 Homeland: 61% extreme savings
  • 2 Kraft pasta salad - rain check for buy one get one, $1.79 for 2 - savings of $1.79
  • 2 V8 Splash - rain check for buy one get one, $3.29 for 2 less 75-cent coupon off 2, doubled
  • 1 small half-dozen Best Choice large eggs, regularly 89-cents less 50-cent coupon on back of rain check, final price 39-cents
  • 1 Magic Eraser, on sale for $1 less 50-cent coupon doubled, free
  • 1 Cascade action pack dishwasher detergent, on sale for $1 less 50-cent coupon doubled, free
  • 1 Bounty basic paper towels, regularly $1.25 on sale for $1 less $1 coupon (July 3 P&G coupon insert), free
  • 1 Bounty white napkins, regulalry $1.20 on sale for $1 less 55-cent coupon  (July 3 P&G coupon insert), final cost 45-cents
  • 2 Natures Own multi-grain sandwich rounds, regularly $3.19 on sale for $2 each
  • 1 chocolate milk, $2.99 discounted for 99-cents
  • 1 Glade scented oil candle, regularly $1.91 less $1 coupon, doubled, money maker 9-cents
  • Total out of pocket $8.74, savings of 12.11, total extreme savings of 61%

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